

  • Initial Research and Team Building

  • White Paper Launch

  • Launch Kross Wallet, a multi-chain wallet with a user-friendly interface and integrated security features.

  • Integrate cross-chain functionality, allowing users to swap tokens across different blockchain networks.

  • Establish partnerships with other blockchain projects, to increase liquidity and expand the ecosystem.

  • Conduct a marketing campaign to attract more users and increase platform adoption.

  • Launch Kross Earn, a yield-generating platform, offering higher returns than traditional banking systems.

  • Implement staking and farming functionalities with a variety of rewards and incentives for participants.

  • Launch Kross DEX Aggregator with advanced trading features and user-friendly interface.

  • Develop a mobile application for Kross platform, allowing users to access the platform on the go.


  • Integrate liquidity pools to increase trading volume and enable automated market-making.

  • Launch Kross NFT Marketplace, allowing users to buy and sell unique digital assets.

  • Develop Kross Oracle, providing reliable price feeds to power various DeFi applications.

  • Expand staking and farming functionalities, including new rewards and incentives.

  • Integrate lending and borrowing functionalities, allowing users to borrow and lend cryptocurrencies.

  • Integrate prediction markets, allowing users to speculate on various events and outcomes.

  • Conduct research and development on layer 2 scaling solutions to increase platform scalability.

  • Conduct a series of hackathons and developer workshops to attract more developers to the ecosystem.


  • Launch Kross Payment Gateway, allowing merchants to accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment.

  • Launch Kross DAO, allowing community members to vote and govern the ecosystem.

  • Develop a privacy-focused feature to protect user anonymity and transactions.

  • Expand cross-chain functionality to support more blockchain networks and increase interoperability.

  • Conduct a global roadshow to showcase the platform and attract more users and investors.

  • Establish Kross Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting blockchain education and research.

  • Develop a sustainability initiative, focusing on reducing the platform's carbon footprint and environmental impact.

Last updated