πŸ…±οΈKross Chain Aggregator

Kross Chain Aggregator is the protocol of the Kross ecosystem that functions as a cutting-edge platform to offer a comprehensive solution for cross-chain swaps. With the widest range of tokens and the best route discovery between any token pairs, Kross Chain aims to provide a seamless user experience for both beginners and advanced users.

Kross Chain constantly evolves with the crypto ecosystem by accessing multiple chains and their liquidity resources. This allows Kross Chain to offer swap transactions that provide maximum returns to users, making it an all-in-one access solution.

Powered by artificial intelligence, Kross Chain uses an off-chain calculation program that makes 252,000+ calculation attempts on each query to find all liquidity pools and create routes without overdraft scenarios. This results in the creation of new paths by dividing it according to the amount of input amount, which creates the best route independently of each other, resulting in maximum output amount and balanced pools.

Kross Chain also uses trade splitting and multi-hop features to find the best route by scanning multiple liquidity provider markets, interacting directly with a single AMM or operating on multiple AMMs. This protocol is designed to provide the best swap return, making it the go-to choice for users looking to access the best-in-class swap in their application, interface, or on-chain programs.

Kross Chain Aggregator Benefits:

  • Fast and user-friendly user experience while optimizing gas fees: Kross Chain Aggregator provides users with a seamless and user-friendly interface for swapping, storing, and trading digital assets across multiple blockchain networks. It optimizes gas fees to ensure transactions are completed quickly and cost-effectively.

  • Provide the most competitive swap/trades: Kross Chain Aggregator offers users the most competitive rates for token-to-token swaps across various blockchain networks. Its unique algorithm analyzes the prices across different exchanges to offer the most favorable rates to users.

  • Support token-to-token swaps for all types of blockchain networks: Kross Chain Aggregator supports token-to-token swaps across a wide range of blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Tron, and more. Users can easily swap their digital assets between different blockchains with just a few clicks.

  • Enable access to all decentralized finance services in one platform: Kross Chain Aggregator allows users to access all the decentralized finance (DeFi) services they need in one platform, including wallets, liquidity pools, decentralized exchanges (DEXs), and more. This streamlines the process of managing digital assets and makes DeFi more accessible to everyone.

  • Utilize AI-powered Pathfinder and Chainfinder to find the best routes for swaps: Kross Chain Aggregator utilizes AI-powered Pathfinder and Chainfinder to find the best routes for swaps, ensuring users get the best possible rates. These algorithms analyze the liquidity across multiple exchanges to find the most efficient route for each transaction.

  • Zero slippage swap option to ensure the best rates: Kross Chain Aggregator offers a zero slippage swap option to ensure users get the best rates for their transactions. This feature guarantees that the transaction will be completed at the exact rate quoted, with no slippage or hidden fees.

  • Automatically update the platform with the latest tokens and liquidity sources: Kross Chain Aggregator automatically updates its platform with the latest tokens and liquidity sources, ensuring that users have access to the most comprehensive range of digital assets and liquidity pools.

  • Enable users to generate revenue by adding their own platform fee to each transaction: Kross Chain Aggregator allows users to generate revenue by adding their own platform fee to each transaction. This feature enables users to earn a passive income by facilitating transactions for other users.

  • Give users the option to customize their caching settings to optimize for speed or precision in their swaps: Kross Chain Aggregator gives users the option to customize their caching settings to optimize for speed or precision in their swaps. Users can select the caching settings that best suit their needs, whether they prioritize speed or accuracy in their transactions.

Working of the Kross Chain Aggregator

Kross Aggregator is designed to be easily deployable to new networks with flexibility and speed. The Aggregator integrates smart contracts, front-end, and back-end algorithms into an AI module that is optimized based on the requirements of the targeted network. Here is how the process works:

Multi-Hop Routes: Kross Chain Aggregator provides cross-chain trading solutions that allow users to access multiple decentralized exchanges (DEXs) without switching between different platforms. Kross Chain Aggregator scans multiple liquidity provider markets to find the best possible route to trade between any two tokens on integrated networks. The platform searches for direct routes as well as indirect routes with up to 5-hop connections. Indirect routes help to find better prices by routing through an intermediary token, e.g. "X>Z>Q>Y" instead of "X>Y".

Trade Distribution: Kross Chain Aggregator employs a trade distribution system that splits large trades into smaller ones to find better prices on multiple DEXes. The platform dynamically determines the percentage distribution of a trade to give users the best possible price. This helps to get better prices for large trades and for tokens with shallow liquidity spread across different DEXes.

Multichain Compatible We believe in the power and sustainability of multichain applications. Multichain operation of an application allows it to create more communities and serve more users. Kross Aggregator has been recreated to serve across multiple networks.

Deploying Contracts First, the core code of the targeted network is examined and revised if necessary. Then, the core and side-contracts are launched on the mainnet. Each network has its own unique characteristics, so some configurations are required to deploy Kross Aggregator to a new network. Finalization of the deployment process involves making all necessary preparations from the beginning.

Token and Liquidity Pool Generation Kross Aggregator's ChainFinder algorithm automatically generates a list of tokens, liquidity pools, and token lists in the network to be integrated. In different networks, the same token can have different contract addresses, and each network has its own unique tokens. ChainFinder compares and compiles a list of required tokens, liquidity pool volumes, and their liquidity sizes, which can be used when finding routes.

Kross Inter Chain Communication and Verification

Cross-chain operation is imperative in a multi-chain network and to ensure the correct process of messages or communication across chains, a proper communication mechanism is required. Kross Aggregator adopts a two-tier approach for cross-chain communication across the network. The first one is the message mi from Ci to CR which contains the digest of a block of Ci. The message mi is for the final confirmation of the block of Ci and there is only one such message for each block. The second one is the outer relay message mi, j from Ci to Cj. Before mi, j is sent to Cj, it is recorded on the block of Ci. Before dealing with these messages, we should verify them first. There are two approaches to verify a message generated by a chain: (1) verify the signature; (2) verify the message hash. Both approaches are useful, depending on the type of messages. For the message mi from Ci to CR, it attaches a signature of the committee members of Ci that can be used to verify authenticity. Since the committee member of Ci is recorded in CR, each node in CR has the public keys of the current committee members of Ci and can verify the signature of mi.

For the message mi, j from Ci to Cj, it comes with proof pi, j that can be proved. Before mi, j is sent to Cj, it is recorded on the block of Ci. On the block of Ci, there is a Merkel tree Ti for all outer relay messages. The proof pi, j refers to the hash values of all sibling nodes on the path from the Merkle tree root to its entry. The root hash of Ti is included in the digest of Ci. Since the digest of the block of Ci is recorded in the root chain CR, and each node in Cj is also a node in CR, each node in Cj can obtain the root hash of Ti and verify mi, j by the proof pi, j.

The reason for not using the signature to verify mi, j is to prevent the situation where the committee members of Ci are not completely reliable. The message generated by this block will only take effect if its block is finally confirmed on C. However, for a cross-shard message of the same transaction chain Ci, its verification can be faster, just wait until the digest is recorded on its transaction chain Ci, not the root chain C.

AI Powered Pathfinder for Kross Chain Aggregator

Kross Chain Aggregator is a next-generation platform that leverages the power of artificial intelligence to provide traders with the most cost-effective way to execute trades across multiple chains. With the AI-powered Pathfinder algorithm, Kross Chain Aggregator ensures that traders can find the best route for executing trades across multiple chains. Our platform provides optimal liquidity solutions, ensuring maximum returns for traders while minimizing their costs.

The Pathfinder algorithm comprises several steps, including:

  1. Liquidity Optimization Equation: Our optimization equation maximizes output from integrated liquidity providers by controlling all liquidity pools. It is dynamic and adapts to changing terms and conditions, utilizing diverse data inputs to ensure optimal results.

  2. AI-Driven Data Conversion: All necessary data is instantly transformed into High Conversion Arguments (HCA) through AI-powered processing. The HCA module guarantees accurate and precise data needed to solve the optimization equation.

  3. Multi-Path Route Finding: The Pathfinder algorithm identifies all potential routes between two tokens and filters out irrelevant options according to specific criteria. It limits the number of tokens to five, eliminates low liquidity pools, matches tokens, and prepares multiple routes for selection.

  4. Convergent AI Pathfinder: All data and formulas are sent to our AI-powered Pathfinder algorithm, which converges and analyzes the data to confirm the swap transaction.

Salient Features of Kross Chain Swap

Multi Chain Swapping and Cross Chain Support: Kross Swap is working on Cross-Chain support for the decentralized swapping between digital assets of multiple blockchain networks. While it will list all sorts of digital assets from a variety of blockchain networks, it will also enable cross-chain swapping in a user-friendly, secure, and cost-effective way. It enables suppliers to provide liquidity to the protocol by contributing a diverse range of coins, whereas liquidity miners are comprised of a wide range of parties, from project teams looking to list their tokens to professional market makers with customized trading strategies, VCs, and institutional traders and even developers looking to build new Kross liquidity pools.

Over time, the Kross Ecosystem aims to streamline the process of providing cross-chain liquidity to main blockchain networks and make the multichain swapping process simple and secure. Kross suppliers offer liquidity to the protocol by contributing a diverse range of coins. Makers are comprised of a wide range of parties, from project teams looking to list their tokens to professional market makers with customized trading strategies, VCs and institutional traders, and even developers looking to build Kross liquidity pools.

NO IMPERMEANT LOSS: Kross Swap uses a proactive market-making mechanism that ensures that liquidity providers get what they deposited when they withdraw their tokens, which uses arbitrage trading to ensure that the number of tokens in the pool is always roughly equal to the number of tokens deposited by liquidity providers. This way, it ensures that no impermanent loss occurs for the liquidity providers, encouraging liquidity providers to participate in a lucrative liquidity offering without any risk.

KROSS PROACTIVE MARKET MAKING: Liquidity decreases rapidly when far away from the market price and vice versa. Furthermore, the Kross Swap accepts liquidity providers’ assets, gathering assets around the market prices for ensuring sufficient liquidity.

As shown in above figures, liquidity decreases rapidly when far away from the market price while increasing when closer to the market price. The figures further reveals that the curve used by Kross Swap is significantly flatter near the market price, indicating higher fund utilization and lower slippage.

KROSS PMM Pricing Formula The PMM price curve is plotted by the following pricing formula:


Where R is defined to be the piecewise function below:


B<B0,R=1βˆ’k+(B0B)2kB<B0​,R=1βˆ’k+(BB0​​)2kB<B_0, R=1-k+(\frac{B_0}{B})^2kB<B0​,R=1βˆ’k+(BB0​​)2k


Q<Q0,R=1/(1βˆ’k+(Q0Q)2k)Q<Q0​,R=1/(1βˆ’k+(QQ0​​)2k)Q<Q_0, R=1/(1-k+(\frac{Q_0}{Q})^2k)Q<Q0​,R=1/(1βˆ’k+(QQ0​​)2k)



i is the market price provided by an oracle, and k is a parameter in the range (0, 1)

Incentivized Participation For Miners Or Liquidity Providers Miners and Liquidity providers are rewarded with incentives against their participation in the liquidity provision process. A reward mechanism is devised, details of which can be found on the website.

Locked Liquidity Pools A very prominent feature of Kross Swap (Dex) is its ability to introduce Locked Liquidity Pools, a concept inspired by the PoL experiment ”UniPower”. Kross Swap uses this mechanism to distribute returns generated by the locked liquidity pools among the liquidity pool participants proportional to their participation.

Consistency and Performance for All Browsers and Devices Kross Swap implement a responsive website, ensuring the website is designed separately for each device/resolution. The page elements arrangement will be addressed while designing for the specific device or platforms. Along with this, we will be performing browser compatibility testing to ensure seamless performance and consistency on all platforms. We will use the tech stack to achieve this is HTML 5.0, Bootstrap, CSS, and JavaScript.

No Crashes & No Errors Kross deploy top practices to take leverage of browser cache, optimized images, order of styles and scripts, reduced redirects, and minified HTML/CSS Scripts. This will result in fewer PHP requests – no system crash or website crash (few to zero errors). The tech stack we will utilize to handle crashes and errors in the event they do occur is the following: libraries provided by Angular Framework, Minifi Scriptor, Auto Optimization, Custom header Scripts, and Imagify for image compression.

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