🧊Revenue Model

The Kross Platform generates revenue from the following activities:

Revenue From Kross Earn: Kross creates a recurring stream of income from the fee collected from users of the Kross Earn. This includes the staking, farming, and liquidity mining participants.

Fee Collection from Liquidity Pools: Kross receives a certain percentage of revenue created from liquidity pools, which is allocated towards the Kross Treasury.

Swap Fee: Kross earns income from every swap transaction on its platform. Processing Fees: Kross Dex Aggregator earns a profit based on the entire transaction amount, with a fixed rate of 0.3% for any amount.

NFT Marketplace Fees: Kross Ecosystem also plans to launch an NFT marketplace where users can buy and sell NFTs. The platform will charge a fee for each transaction made on the marketplace.

Cross-Chain Transaction Fees: Kross Ecosystem supports cross-chain transactions between different blockchain networks. Users who make cross-chain transactions are charged a small fee for the transaction, which is used to fund the Kross Treasury.

API Access Fee: Kross Ecosystem provides APIs for developers to integrate the platform's functionality into their own applications. The platform can generate revenue by charging a small fee for API access.

Wallet Withdrawal Fee: Kross may charge a small fee for users who withdraw funds from their wallet on the platform. The fee amount may vary depending on the currency and withdrawal method.


The Kross Chain Aggregator generates revenue from every swap transaction, which will not be entirely allocated to the team. Instead, the income will be reinvested in the ecosystem and token development, as well as serving as incentives for users of the platform.

Last updated